I don't understand it nor will I ever. How can I be blessed with babies and shortly after they start growing they pass? I feel like I keep getting wonderful news and my dreams are coming true then baam! the rug is pulled out from under my feet and I'm left on the floor in pain! We were 6 weeks along this time! My baby was growing what happened??
Needless to say I'm heartbroken over losing my two babies in less than 6 months.
We won't be using any fertility medicine in the near future. If I get a period normally and we get pregnant naturally Thank God! But until we are ready to move on and try again it will just be my wonderful husband, me, and our cat! I wish we could afford adoption some how. Maybe in the future....
Life is cruel sometimes... I wonder if its my body that can't handle the pregnancies or if the babies aren't developing correctly. I just wish we had a chance...
~ Diana .......
I am sorry, I can't even pretend to have an idea of what you're going through. I know, especially after it happening twice, it can't be easy, but you need to try to stay positive. Everything happens for a reason, an I've said this before (maybe never to you but...) everything happens for a reason....maybe in a week, a month, a year, 10 years, who knows, you'll figure out the reason. Like I said, I have no idea, what you're going through, or what it feels like, but I am here any time you need to talk.