Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Crying over eaten ice cream!

Well this is a new one for me. I started craving Chocolate ice cream and bananas the other day and went to the store and got the ingredients along with an extra ice cream carton for the hubby. I got him chocolate chip cookie dough and the chocolate was mine. Well tonight after dinner he went looking for something sweet to eat and I'm in the living room still eating and tell him there is chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the freezer for you. Well he laughs and comes around the corner eating MY chocolate ice cream! I went into a panic and said no! He looked at me confused as my eyes started tearing up! I told him the other ice cream was for him and the chocolate was for me and the baby! His response "I can't have any of it?" I said "No because you'll eat it all and I don't eat sweets as fast!" Needless to say he put it back and got the chocolate chip cookie dough and I sat there continuing to blubber a bit and talk about the ice cream. I'm gonna throw this off as one of those crazy pregnant lady breakdowns! 

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