Saturday, May 14, 2011

News was good then devastation came

So.. my news was that we never lost the baby when I thought I had miscarried. My hCG levels were over 2000. Last blood test I had before that was only in the 300s.  I bleed for 3 weeks so we assumed miscarriage and never did more blood work. I had severe pain one day (none since) and still had pregnancy symptoms so I took a hpt and it showed positive right away. Thats when I got blood work done and levels showed over 2000. We scheduled an ultrasound to get everything checked out make sure the baby was developing and in the right place.  

Well.... Baby was there. But not in the right place. It had attached to my left ovary. I have an ectopic pregnancy.  The Dr at diagnostic imaging northwest that went over my u/s results called and reserved a room at the Emergency room for us and notified us we needed to go right away there was no time to wait as this is a life threatening pregnancy. 

We get to the emergency room I get blood drawn from one of the biggest needles I've ever had in me. Then of course that can't use that same spot for an IV so takes forever and a day to find a spot in my arm where they insist it must go. I explain you can't even see veins in my arm and they roll when you feel them. Luckily I found a way to actually find one by bending my wrist exposing the only vein that could even be attempted.  It went in with yet another large needle. Then I get poked and prodded. Asked a million questions that I had already answered twice before. We are left alone for a bit.. then the nurse comes back in and says the Dr wants a second IV line "in case" of surgery and a second medication has to go in. My question is wouldn't it be easier to wait until we find out if we are going that far until you attempt to stick me again?  Of course I didn't ask I just went with it. So attempt 1 in my hand where I prefer being stuck with needles.  It wouldn't go into my vein just around it. So end up getting in on the only other vein viewable on my arm which was on the inside of my forearm. Joy I can't move either arm comfortably due to IVs, I have a cardiac monitor on, and and oxygen thing on my finger, not to mention all the cords and lines that go with all those things. 

Treatment for ectopic pregnancy: Methotrexate shot.  One shot in each hip. Apparently this will stop the cell growth of baby over 4-6 weeks and will then absorb back into the body. If this fails, surgery. Ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous as it can rupture fallopian tubes or/and ovaries.
I truly feel like I lost this baby twice! Once when I thought I miscarried. And now I am losing baby again feeling so helpless as what my options were. Really I had no options.  I just wish something else could have been done to save the baby I wanted her/him so much! 

I am heartbroken but I have to stay strong as difficult as it is. 

We both feel as though we do so much for everyone else, those people still crap on us, and now life continues to crap on us as well. What did we do to deserve so much devastation in our lives? We are good people and would make amazing parents. I just don't understand it at all.


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